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Don’t Wait for a Crisis to Innovate

  • Published on December 17, 2020

Status is onlineAnthony Giagnacovo CEO of CallRevu | Board Member and Advisor | Investor and Mentor25 articles Following

Leaders recognize that even with a vaccine on the horizon, we won’t be going back to the way things were before COVID-19, for a long stretch to come. Today, we can only go forward, and now is not the time to cut back on investing in innovation.

At CallRevu, we’ve proven that we can help dealerships achieve sales and loyalty goals and drive immediate ROI. Over the past decade, sales organizations began leaning heavily on email and social media to reach prospective customers. However, with smartphone click2call features, voice command trends have been showing a renewed high focus on the telephone to provide a more personalized experience for potential customers. This is even more true since the pandemic hit us, which has changed how people view the purchase of an automobile. It is not that the phone ever disappeared, rather it simply faded into the noise of the sales organization – a tool managed by IT, and a commodity that organizations assumed had reached the end of its evolution. Like your water or electricity, the telephone was only ever thought about when it wasn’t working. Chip King, CallRevu’s founder, would say “Your customers tell you every day what you need to know to earn and keep their sales and service business…all you have to do is listen!”. Listening, by way of capturing accurate information, sentiment, and emotion from a telephone call, will help you better understand your customer and improve the customer experience.

The COVID-19 crisis and its restrictions has proven that to understand the buyer experience, and a dealership’s own internal sales processes, voice is the new innovation. While email automation, social media, and chat have changed the game in recent years, research has shown that 92% of customer interactions are still occurring over the phone. And, since 79% of sales leaders say that at least half of their sales reps use personal cell phones to make business calls, organizations need to take a broader look at what telephony means to their teams.

CallRevu Helps Dealers:

·      Achieve recurring sales and service revenue retention

o  “…When customers regularly service with you, they are 86 times more likely to buy their next car from you…” (source: CBT News)

§ Acquiring a new customer costs up to 25 times as much as retaining existing customers!! – CallRevu

·      Allow Car Dealers to “LISTEN” to customer demands and meet them where they are

  • The Customer has to win, for the Dealer to win! Ultimately Conversation Intelligence software serves the automotive customer first by improving their experience…… which brings the big win to the dealer that listened!

·      Accelerate appointment setting or inquiry response

o  A study showed that telephone outreach out-converted emails by a significant margin (8.21% vs 0.03%)

·      Accomplish – Not only does voice interaction drive momentum in deals, but the underlying technology can have a major impact on sales productivity. 83% of sales leaders feel that having a phone system automatically log call information into a CRM after a call ended, would greatly decrease the amount of time spent on administrative tasks. When features like automatic dialers or other workflow capabilities are leveraged in a sales organization, Dealers are able to spend more time selling and less time on administrative tasks.

CallRevu’s communication intelligence software uses call recording and transcription tools to analyze calls, organize a playbook, facilitate coaching conversations, and help increase a sales agent’s performance. Insights from these tools are used to help train, share best practices, and improve sales processes using our outbound call tracking functionality. This allows your sales reps and BDCs to call leads and contacts directly through the solution, and record call and prospect data. The information typically integrates into a CRM for call and activity logging. CallRevu’s communication intelligence software seeks to provide sales agents with a more efficient and informed way to interact with clients through voice, text and other channels while providing insight into areas that the employees and dealership can improve on. This ensures that communication is in-line with the promise of the dealership’s name and brand. This is important because the impact a voice can have on a sales conversion is extensive.

The 2nd wave of COVID-19 is resulting in unpredictable business conditions for the next 4 months:

·      Closed showrooms?

·      Sales and Service by Appointment only?

·      Virtual purchases from anywhere?

Yours needs to be the dealership a potential vehicle buyer selects. How do you stand out in a sea of dealerships? By handling your customer effectively the first time, on the first call. This is THE MOST CRITICAL element of building a relationship! It is from that first experience that a potential customer often chooses your dealership over another.

CallRevu is the leader in communication intelligence for the automotive industry. We help your dealership CONNECTCOMMUNICATE and CLOSE! Contact us to learn more about how we can help you RECOVER and INNOVATE.

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