Batting Stance
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Never Change Your Batting Stance

I walked into the sales office and I heard a salesman say how he changes his phone script for different customers on his initial call to them. I asked him why he did that? How does he determine how or why he should deviate from the phone script when he has not even talked to the client yet? He said if he knows they are a subprime client, he treats them differently than an excellent credit client. I wanted to say “that explains why you are consistently at the bottom of the sales board every month”, but being the good boss and leader I hope I am, I explained this to him this way. I knew he is a big baseball fan and wanted to explain it to him in a way he would understand.

All of the great hitters in baseball of one thing in common. They develop a routine every time they step into the batter box. Their batting stance does not change. They are consistent in every at-bat they have. They may change their position in the batter’s box according to the pitcher. If the pitcher throws a lot of changeups or junk, they may move up in the batter’s box. Fastball pitcher, they will move to the back of the box. Pitchers with great curves or sliders, they will move to one side of the box or the other. But their stance is always the same. Even if they have a little slump, they do not change their stance. They stick with what has made them the great hitter they are in the long run.

It is the same with the phone script. Every client is the same because they are trying to accomplish the same thing. To purchase a new vehicle. We may have to adjust our position a little in the batter’s box (clients situation) but we need to stick with our stance every time (our phone script). With a subprime customer, we may have to ask if they have more money down or possible co-signer, but the main purpose of the phone call is to get the customer to come in. If you treat every customer different because you think of one reason or the other, you will struggle. It is no different than the baseball player who gets in a little slump and keeps changing his stance every at-bat. He will never develop any consistency and struggle longer. Stick to the script. Stick to your stance.  

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