Grocery Kids

Want to Learn Closing Skills by a Real Closer?


Kids are the best closers. Notice this next time you take them to get groceries. Every time we go to the store, I promise not to be closed by them. It’s my goal.


They are smart. Before we get to store, they try a trial close on me. Plant the seed of getting a treat. “Dad, if we are good, can we get a treat?”


Once at the store, they don’t start closing right away. Maybe its because we start in vegetable aisle. There is nothing in the vegetable aisle that they want. They may get it if they ask. They don’t want to waste treat on carrots.


Every aisle we go down, they use a new closing technique.


They try the “Value Close” as we go down the cereal aisle. “Dad, cereal is on sale. 5 boxes for $10. That’s a good deal. It’s usually $4.25 a box”. They know I am a sucker for Apple Jacks, Captain Crunch and Lucky Charms. Win/win for them and me. But I still won’t give in but dang, I like Frosted Flakes. Who doesn’t?


Next comes the Bakery aisle so they use the “Want Close”. They pretend they aren’t asking for themselves but asking for me. “Dad, those donuts you like are on sale. You should get them.”


Ha, maybe 2 years ago I would of fell for it. Ain’t happening anymore. I do like those donuts but I know it’s not for me. They would get some too.


Their best close. The “Assumption Close”. That’s where they throw it in the cart.


But their best close is when we are in checkout line. My guard is down. I am so happy I didn’t get closed. I said no to every closing trick they threw at me. As I am emptying the cart, they know I am distracted. That’s when they pull a candy bar from the display and ask “Dad, can we have a candy bar?”


That’s their killer close. 100% closing percentage. They know they wore me down.


Kids are the best closers because they don’t care if they get a no. They don’t know a no is rejection. They just take the no as no to that thing. Not to something else. They keep asking. They know don’t ask, don’t get.

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