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The FixedOps Interview with Owen Moon


Ask the Expert: Interview with Owen Moon of Fixed Ops Digital transcript powered by Sonix—the best video to text transcription service

Ask the Expert: Interview with Owen Moon of Fixed Ops Digital was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best way to convert your video to text in 2019.

Kelly Kleinman:
Hello from Southern California. This is the podcast where we bring you the new and old school insight into the business of selling cars and service. So you have the foresight to grow your dealership and stay ahead of the competition. I'm Kelly. Kleinman. Here is our show.

Kelly Kleinman:
Our guest today on Ask the Experts and this is our first segment ever ask the experts. He's one of our vendors of the year for 2018. Rumor has it. Rumor has it. There just may be a repeat for 2019. He is CEO and co-founder of Fixed OPS Digital. Mr. Owen Moon How's 2019 treating you Owen.

Owen Moon:
It's been a it's been a whirlwind. I'll tell you it's been a blur a lot at lot of stuff going on. But thanks for having me Kelly. Appreciate it.

Owen Moon:
Love what you're doing with and look forward to continuing to provide great content and exposure to the auto industry.

Kelly Kleinman:
Well, you're about to actually give us some great content right here. If this is the Ask the Expert segment, it's the first time we've ever held this. And I think it's going to do the industry some justice. So let's start off. I want to ask you a question that all dealerships should be asking, and that's how to optimize their SEO game, to drive organic and direct search traffic into the service lane of their dealerships.

Owen Moon:
Yeah. You know, it's actually kind of our I guess you could say our sounding board for 2019 and kind of what we founded our company on was actually helping create more visibility and a better user experience on dealerships on their website. And it's working. I mean, we we have seen tremendous growth on our end from a dealer account as far as clients and things like that. And that doesn't happen if you're not doing something right. And you know, really what we have found is that if you can build more relevant service content on your website, it's it's the best way to sort of start the process, to turn in your service department into more of a digital powerhouse in your market.

Kelly Kleinman:
And that requires users of keywords and anchor tags.

Owen Moon:
Yeah. Well, it requires a waiver. Yeah, it's right, it's way, way we structure the data, the way we structure the information. There's a lot of like the OEMs have come out with a lot of content that they kind of pass around to their dealer now, you know, their dealers across the country.

Owen Moon:
And and get it sort of creates a it sort of creates a void for a lot of the dealers. Right. They don't have a lot of content, maybe no oil change content, batteries, tire rotation, multi-point inspection, things like that. But the challenge with it is that it's very it's all duplicate content. So it's all content. That's been a it now going out on the Web site, you know, thousands of times. So what we're doing differently and kind of the way a dealership should look at this is make sure that that content that you're putting out is unique and that's relevant to your store. And so we have used a strategy that, you know, has been been in place now for about two years for some of our stores. And, you know, it's the way we structure the data, the way we write the content, the way we do our our title tags and our your URL structures and things like that. It's how we index the the images and things like that. It's just it's all relevant and it's all the way that that we do. I look it's like baking a cake, right? Everybody can bake a cake. But some people's cakes, you know, tastes a lot better. It's how do you put those ingredients together to make it work? And with SEO, it's definitely no different.

Kelly Kleinman:
Can you give me a little example, a case study, how you've been able to sort of turn it around a little bit for one of your clients?

Owen Moon:
Yeah, yeah. We've got several dealers spotlights actually on our website for anybody that wants to go out there and just kind of check out our dive into to what we do in some of our success stories. But, you know, one of things that we did about halfway through this year is we ran an analysis. And when we were not working with clients last year, from February 1st through the end of June, we pulled the amount of search or excuse me, service related traffic that we were that that customer was getting into their service specials page when we took over this year for a lot of these clients in that same six month span. We were able to see some wildly successful increases in the amount of traffic that we're driving into that page. So that's just kind of the first thing, right? You know? You know, if you take a couple hundred percent increase in service traffic, that's that's coming into into the Web site. That's a big number. And what and what it makes it even bigger is when you start thinking about service traffic compared to sales traffic. Right. Service traffic is a lot more relevant. It's a lot more now. It's a lot of people out there looking for cars. There might be in the different levels of their buying cycle. You don't go to Google or to a Web site looking for someone that's going to fix your transmissions six months from now when it might call out. Right. I mean, if if your if you have a leak in your one of your pipes in your house, you're gonna call a plumber. If you have a light that went out or it's flickering, you're gonna call an electrician. The only what reason why people call and look for service related services is is because they have something wrong. And so as a dealership community, we're just we just want to make sure that that dealership is there when the customer needs them.

Kelly Kleinman:
Does it take a comprehensive website, rebuild to optimize the SEO? Or are there things that a dealer can do in short order?

Owen Moon:
That's a great question. You know, we actually kind of dabbled a little bit at the beginning of building standalone service Web sites.

Owen Moon:
We felt like if we were able to provide another infrastructure that Google could pick up and rank, you know, we could kind of double our seats at the table. I guess you could say with page one, Google, Google, what in the a lot of the OEMs obviously said, hey, we don't want that. We want everything to kind of be built inside the the OEM Web site. You know, Toyota Web site, Honda Web site. So. So to answer your question, no, we we can we can do a lot of this right on the OEM Web site. And, you know, I would say, hey, most of the Web site content today is sale. So if you have a Honda store in a market, for example, more likely you're going to be the authority for Honda when it comes to selling and buying vehicles. But there's there's no service content on your Web site specifically. So we have to start to close that gap. We have to make sure that we provide enough content, enough information that Google wants to look for the right customer or the right infrastructure to put in front of a customer that we are actually showing up, as you know, for our dealer. So so what we end up doing is we just end up building all of our stuff right on the dealership Web site, which that in turn goes that dealership, the authority when it comes to service for their brand.

Kelly Kleinman:
That's a great strategy. What kind of results can management expect when SEO optimization is initiated? And then why is it so important? Because inevitably your client is going to want to see results. What can they expect?

Owen Moon:
Yeah. You know, what we've done is kind of change the mentality of the service department instead of just putting a couple services out on the specials page. Maybe like a $10 off an oil change, you know, $50 off a window tint.

Owen Moon:
Sometimes you go there and the coupons are expired, that type of thing. We're really building out a more robust strategy that can kind of tie in some of those late ownership services, you know, those higher our OES, those opportunities to make more money and then bringing along the right conversion pass, that's going to help the dealer. The customer actually be able to connect with the store. So what we find a lot and we don't get into any of the DMS stuff at this point on it is something that we're kind of we're working on and kind of, you know, trying to be able to take it all the way through. But what we really focus on are two things visibility, growth, trying to get yours, your dealership, to show up to more more services that are being searched when they go to like Google and other search engines. Obviously increasing our organic fixed ops, related service traffic and then ultimately seeing an increase in phone calls, online service scheduling appointments and then even moving kind of past the print coupon and letting customers download passes to their their Apple Wallet or Android pass system. So those are kind of the three CTAs that we are a call to action. I guess you could say that we really focus on and when we see those increases, you know, the natural progression is going to be increased revenue to the dealership.

Kelly Kleinman:
Owen Moon, FixedOps Digital. Our Fixed Ops expert. Thank you so much. Owen, where can they contact you?

Owen Moon:
Yeah, reach me direct. I always say I'm just a call away at 6 0 5 3 7 6 0 1 9 5. Or you can e-mail me at

Kelly Kleinman:
Owen, thanks for being on. Ask the Expert. Thanks for having me. You bet.

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