Websites – Automotive News You Can Use Fri, 27 Aug 2021 23:00:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Websites – 32 32 158686725 TIPS FOR BUSINESSES TO APPEAR ON PAGE ONE OF SEARCH – 5 Part Series Fri, 27 Nov 2020 19:14:42 +0000 Why Can’t I find My Business at the Top Of Search Online? TIP #1 OPTIMIZE YOUR GOOGLE MY BUSINESS PAGE Many business owners search for their own businesses and are surprised to find that they aren’t in the top handful of businesses listed, let alone page one. What’s worse, they...

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Why Can’t I find My Business at the Top Of Search Online?


Many business owners search for their own businesses and are surprised to find that they aren’t in the top handful of businesses listed, let alone page one. What’s worse, they aren’t found in the all-important #Google search “local 3-pack” which is in that map box just above the fold on the results page. Some can’t even find themselves in #AppleMaps, #Waze, #Siri, or any other typed or spoken search apps that provide directional and listing information. It drives many business owners mad.

What makes matters worse is that if you’re not on page one, you are virtually and literally cloaked. Few people searching for businesses make it past the first page of search, and 89% of them are ready to buy when in search mode. YOU HAVE TO BE ON PAGE ONE! There are several reasons for lack of ranking, but over time and at a relatively low cost, you can become visible north of the fold in the Google 3-Pack search block.

#SocialOrdeals has mastered the technique for business ranking using a suite of products in their platform that SMBs from Veterinarians to Car Dealers, Restauranteurs to Attorneys, Carpenters to Retailers, Franchisers and Associations of all shapes and sizes can utilize to grow their business’ visibility and sales volume. There are other companies out there that offer platforms with a similar suite of services but few are as affordable and for lack of a better description, credible in the execution as is Social Ordeals.

Tip #1: Google My Business is responsible for 25% of your ranking in search. The days of a dominant webpage are over. It’s Google’s plan to control as much of the web as they can and want you on their property for as long as possible – so we need to play by their rules.

Step 1: Claim the page as your business and make sure all information on it such as Business Name, Address, Telephone #, and Web Address are 100% correct. Google will send you a postcard verifying the location at the outset of claiming your GMB page.

Step 2: Load it up with your businesses specialties so people can see what differentiates you from competitors. If you’re a medical specialist, make sure prospective patients can see what you focus on, laser therapy, surgery, MRI machine on premises, etc. I suggest the most profitable products and services be spotlighted. If your a restaurant, post some of your specialty dishes, so on and so forth. Post pictures of the facility as well, along with smiling employees and customers if they oblige but not in the business’s products and services section.

Step 3: Pre-load popular questions and answers in the appropriate section given so the public can research you right then and there, and click to call instantly. The Q&A section is public so if you don’t answer any questions that come up without warning, someone from the public will, and you may not like the response. Keeping a vigil on this section is crucial because it’s so forward facing to a public likely in buying phase. Putting revised hours of operation here is a good idea because so many governments are vacillating on who opens and who doesn’t. Some only offer curbside so…you get the idea.

Step 4: Drive as many positive reviews to your GMB as possible. Reviews account for 15% of your search ranking score so make sure to have a review generation and reputation management strategy bought and paid for before you open your doors OR, get one in place if you currently aren’t employing one. Almost everyone looks at business reviews before making a decision. If you aren’t pulling 4.5-5.0, you are a B business in the eyes of the public. But it’s not just high scores that count, rather the volume of reviews that will lift you on any of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) of which Google gets 70% of the traffic.

Step 5: Drive all of your social media posts to your GMB page. Consider it a crucial social media element to your businesses positive visibility to the public. After all, the GMB page is one click away from the customer’s search engine operation so put your best content forward. Hashtag all of your social media posts (as well as your specialties) as you would on any social media platform because those hashtags WILL help you rank in search on Google. It may be a lesser known fact, but we’ve seen it applied.

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44675 Pulling Vehicles Off Search Results Page that Haven’t Been Sold Tue, 09 Jul 2019 22:45:36 +0000 Lead volume determines the time frame a listing stays up for Call it machine-learning, artificial intelligence, whatever, but CarGurus has determined that once a car has had a predetermined amount of leads, it should have been sold. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t. Either way, they are pulling what they...

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Lead volume determines the time frame a listing stays up for

Call it machine-learning, artificial intelligence, whatever, but CarGurus has determined that once a car has had a predetermined amount of leads, it should have been sold. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t. Either way, they are pulling what they consider stale inventory off the shelf at their discretion. In other words, a vehicle that may have received (hypothetically) 20 leads has reached its limit, and will no longer appear in the search results page when a customer is looking for that particular vehicle. Despite that, there is no real way to objectively determine the true quality of those leads.

Dealers aren’t given notice,  the listing just…goes away

Dealers are complaining that they can’t find sitting inventory on the classified site they pay to advertise on, and have no idea how long that inventory has been removed from search. Truth be told, that inventory disappears from the search results, but stays in place on the dealer’s inventory CarGurus page. What irks dealers is that CarGurus has no idea whether or not that inventory has been sold, as there is no communication between CarGurus and themselves to confirm before the listing goes black. 

Historically, leads generated on 3rd party classified sites tend to take 60 days to close on average. To gain some perspective here, email leads take 42 days, direct, organic, Facebook Marketplace, and paid traffic take 30 days to close on average. Call traffic is considered a high value, off-line lead second only to warm referrals, and foot traffic. These are just averages though, and there can be a number of reasons why some popular units sit longer than others. 

Dealers really need to pay attention to the inventory that they list on a classified site because this practice may not be limited to CarGurus. In CarGurus defense, they are trying to maintain a positive user experience, and listing potentially phantom inventory that has already been sold is a huge credibility problem. I’ll explain in a moment.

The car I’m paying for to rot on my lot, I’m now paying to rot on…huh?

Perhaps it’s in the fine print that listings can be pulled from search at CarGurus leisure. Still, how does one rate the veracity of a lead if they are to be limited? If certain inventory is stoking a lot of calls or lead form fills, it may be on the verge of closing and then suddenly…CarGurus zaps it without warning. The “without warning” part is the issue. I think we can all agree that some leads are better than others. I also think we can all agree that when you’re advertising on a site that also carries look-alike inventory from competitors, the quality of a lead can be diluted. CarGurus is not taking into account the demographic of the customer, their credit profile, or otherwise. The input we’re getting is that the leads are basically people with not enough for a down payment or they have really bad credit. CarGurus isn’t the least expensive classified out there. Most dealers pay good money to keep their inventory listed for a reason, usually because it isn’t sold! 

Dealership bait and switch tactics, laziness to blame for flawed CarGurus policy?

The challenge many car dealers have is in managing their own inventory. Failure to pull down sold inventory may be the ultimate reason for the CarGurus policy to vaporize certain listings out of search. It may be as innocuous as dealers having inventory management issues or just being too busy or possibly too lazy to pull units down after they’ve been sold.

In CarGurus defense, they have experienced negative consumer feedback complaining of car listings not being updated. CarGurus is also weary of bait and switch tactics that dealerships use to lure in buyers. It hurts their reputation as a classified site. Experience combined with some data crunching probably suggests that they’re better safe than sorry by lifting inventory out of search that meets a certain set of criteria shared by vehicles that have actually sold. 

Maybe they just need to improve the software that’s processing the inventory data to get more accurate real time results instead of clipping the dealership’s cars? Most inventory companies take 24-48 hours to update the listings, depending on how many feed providers are involved. 

The Solution is pretty simple

We’re sitting on a list of a dozen car dealers that can’t find their unsold inventory on Unless it suddenly became a free classified site I’d say this is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly. Consequently, dealerships need to stay on top of their inventory at all times with all vendors. Dealers use a variety of inventory management solutions that should prevent this from happening but not all do. In lieu of automation, the Internet director or manager needs to be proactive enough to know what’s up and what’s down. Have a list of vendors your inventory is going to, be proactive about reaching out to those companies when you have an inventory provider switch, and most importantly, ensure the listings are accurate. Now that you’ve read this, it’s best to follow the old Ronald Reagan axiom that he applied to the Soviet Union…“Trust but verify.”

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How to Rank Higher on Google Sun, 10 Mar 2019 01:48:22 +0000 There is a term for the practices used to rank higher on Google. It’s called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.   Search Engine Optimization is all about driving more organic traffic to your website, and ultimately, for your business through taking steps to increase your online presence. There are three...

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There is a term for the practices used to rank higher on Google. It’s called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO.   Search Engine Optimization is all about driving more organic traffic to your website, and ultimately, for your business through taking steps to increase your online presence. There are three primary parts to building strong SEO— keywords, content quality, and backlinks.


How to Use Keywords to Rank Higher on Google

What Exactly are Keywords?

Any time you type a thought, question, or concept, into a search engine, the phrasing and important identifying words you use are known as keywords. Keywords are the best pieces of information used when performing a search and tell Google what you should expect and how specific it should be in its results. Google will then rank results simply by relevance to your keywords, quality of content , and site format. Google likes websites that are easy to identify and require little work on their end, so make sure your website fits the bill. Study keywords, select a keyword, after that write about that keyword— it’s that easy.


How Do Search engines like Google Use Keywords to Determine Rank?

Search engines use keywords to spot, categorize, and retrieve pages based on how people are searching. But what exactly does this mean for you? As a business owner, it means a lot. What your potential customers are searching for that leads them to your business is very important for you to figure out. In order to drive more traffic to your site , and business, you should be creating targeted, high-quality content on social media, Google My Business profile , and website, continuously updating and transforming your website design and layout, and weaving in keywords where you can, without stuffing your articles or posts. When you target keywords, you focus the page on a specific topic in order that it is able to rank in relevant search engine results .


For Which Keywords Should I Rank?

When harnessing the power associated with SEO , it’s crucial to know what appeals to your audience, and know how to reach them. Watch the language your target audience is using on social media marketing, in emails, or in discussions, and take note. When producing content for your internet site or social pages , utilize the words your customers are using. If you use terms on your website that people are searching for, you’ll be more likely to show up on search engine results. Appealing to your customers through a comparable tone and voice will also help to build trust . When you target keywords, you focus a given page on a particular topic. You are trying to get that web page to rank in search engine pages for relevant searches. Since Google aims to deliver the most useful details to the searcher, your content will display as a top result for that problem.


How to Use Quality Content to Rank Higher on Google

When making content for your website, GMB user profile, and social media accounts , it can be difficult to compose relevant, quality content, while also including keywords and making sure it is optimized meant for search . When writing content for your business, it should function to remind the reader of the services and products you offer, your competitive advantages , and draw the potential customer in. Your articles should be well-written and spell checked, include both long- and short-tail phrases , and include relevant keywords without stuffing so that you can build and maintain strong SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION.


Focus on Sharability

In order to get your website seen by potential customers and build strong SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, your content needs to have a catchy name or image, be clickable, and most importantly— shareable . One of the best ways to get new customers interested in your company, and transform your SEO , without lifting the finger is by making your content articles something you, your friend, your own mom, or your coworker might want to read on social media. If you are a massage therapist and you write an article entitled “The Beauty of Massage”, that may not be the most enticing article to read while scrolling on Facebook. But if a person publish a blog post entitled, “What Kind of Massage Do You Need? Take the Test Now!”, that would be an interesting article to most viewers. And the a lot more shares you get, the stronger your SEO is going to be .


Concentrate on Niche Topics

Another way to make sure that your content is high-quality is simply by choosing appropriate, niche topics where one can have domain name authority . While there are most likely thousands of articles on Google about different sorts of massages, if you wrote an article particularly targeting the benefits of Swedish massages intended for pregnant women, you will greatly limit your own SEO competition. As a result, your content is going to be seen by more people, since it nears the top of Google search outcomes.


How to Use Backlinks in order to Rank Higher on Google

Backlinking isvcertainly powerful, but often a forgotten method to help improve your SEO. As a small company, you actually have a competitive advantage in this area over larger companies. A backlink is when another web site links to your article from theirs, allowing a new range of clients to see your content and your internet site, and improving your SEO at precisely the same time.


How to Build Backlinks

Building healthy backlink relationships with local businesses, such as having your products featured in their virtual gift guide in exchange for adding their restaurant to the “local recommendations” section of your website, will not only enhance your local communications, but also improve your ranking on Google .


Local newspapers, blogs, or other local avenues are other areas to explore. These publishers love to work with local businesses and will often help to promote you, mainly because you are a small business and that is the audience they serve . Such publications can also be a huge boost not just for a few quality backlinking, but also for good press for your business and eyes on your website.



Using Google My Business to Rank Higher on Google

Google My Business and SEO may well not seem like they have much in common, nonetheless it is actually the building of your GMB profile that will help to greatly strengthen your SEO. While your website remains a crucial ingredient to the results of your business, Google is making it simpler for potential customers to get what they’ re looking for directly in a find. Google My Business is to be able to enhance this experience when it comes to local searches . More than ever, it is vital to make sure your Google My Establishment profile is created, claimed , enhanced, and updated regularly in order to can be of help build strong SEO for your corporate, and help get found by the nearest customers.

Although not their traditional online business directory , Google My Companies acts in a similar fashion as Yelp or Foursquare in the sense that it provides vital information and reviews about your business to consumers. Info on your GMB listing is public-facing, making it essential for this information to be on-point and fleshed out.


How Google My Business Impacts Ranking

Your business’  Google My Business listing impacts your ranking in Google search engine results as well as Google-maps . The more complete and ideal your listing is, the higher it can rank. Businesses with a complete and accurate Google My Business listing get 7x more clicks than those lacking and are 70% more likely to gather visits. This is hard evidence why Google My Business not only expands your search ranking, but also your sales and chances of success. The impact most typically associated with inaccurate or inconsistent listings is definitely not one you can afford. A complete Google Much of our Business listing includes:


  • Business title
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Category
  • Website
  • A number of hours of Operation
  • Review
  • Photos
  • Q& A


In certain industries, there may be new fields as well. When your Google About Business listing is complete, the business will be favored by Google search results, your website and foot traffic will increase, and potential customers will be able to find and contact your business faster and easier. Collecting reviews , changing information as it changes, and creating relevant details to your business will assist you to improve your ranking and get you additional customers.


Checklist for Using Google My Business to Improve Your Rank

Overall SEO is impacted by a variety of factors. Google My Business is just one of them, consider Google is the largest search engine, it’ s a great place to start. Unlike all other SEO building tactics , setting up and customization your GMB profile is not only easy to do, but it’s quick, easy, and free. Google My Business also offers a strong competitive advantage that the majority of other SEO techniques may not, due to its direct connection to Google Maps, it will assist you in getting seen and found by the most critical customers of all— the ones in your neighborhood. The local SEO Google My Business can provide is invaluable to any  other comparative service or strategy.


Google has many applications and features that integrate directly with Google My Business, such as Local Search results . Google Local Search will pull up a map of businesses that the possible client has searched for in that industry, among them “spas near me ”. The more accurate and complete your listing often is compared to others in your area, the more likely your business interest is to be at the top of the list, helping to further build your local SEO . Businesses are synced and updated along with GMB, so the more active you are on your GMB profile, the higher you will rank in results.


If your business isn’t appearing any longer under local searches, or falling far down the page, then it is time for a Google My Business renovation. Consider the following when updating your profile .


Do you possess reviews, and are the reviews valuable?

If you are low in this area, don’t be afraid for ask loyal customers to put in a good word for you on Google My Business, or offer a small incentive to have reviews written. Many customers would be happy to spread the word about the excellent services you offer if they are pleased with their experiences. If you have negative reviews, make sure you are responding quickly and professionally.


If your information is current, is the description complete?

If your description is too short, for instance “electronic repairs”, you will get away from customers wondering about the specific tech services you offer. Think of a short heading that would accurately sum up the majority of your services, without getting too bogged down in details.   Write a strong elevator pitch for your business and include it.


Do you have great photos?

When you upload photos to your GMB profile , make them to both relevant and high quality. Snap shots of in-store events, classes, or of your storefront are all great options to include your Google My Business profile. You’ll want to update these photos regularly for top level local results.


Are there Questions and Answers on your own profile?

Google’s new Q& A section provides you with the ability to answer customer questions exclusively in your business listing. The benefit of this is that you can preemptively answer questions that valued clientele might otherwise not know the answer. This can impact their decision to use your business. For example , “Do you have vehicle? Yes, there is a parking lot for customers.” may be enough to turn a recurring onlooker into your next customer. Utilize this section wisely and always respond to points quickly. As a business owner, you can also submit frequently asked questions and answer them yourself.


Google My Business is an incredibly powerful free tool that helps improve local SEO, get your small business found by more people, and help generate potential customers . By keeping your GMB profile up to date, professional, and fully completed, you will be giving your business a leg up on the competition.

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How Negative Keywords Can Help You Get the Most Out of Your PPC Efforts Sun, 17 Feb 2019 19:43:25 +0000 By Chelsea Boice   Paid search can be a beneficial channel for any inbound marketing strategy . From boosting brand awareness to driving increased traffic and sales conversions, paid search can help you build a better link between search engines and your website content.   One paid search tactic commonly...

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By Chelsea Boice


Paid search can be a beneficial channel for any inbound marketing strategy . From boosting brand awareness to driving increased traffic and sales conversions, paid search can help you build a better link between search engines and your website content.


One paid search tactic commonly used to help companies rank their pages above the noise and clutter of search engines results is pay-per-click (PPC), in case not fully optimized, your PAY PER CLICK efforts can turn out to be simply expensive, fruitless tactics.


One way to optimize your campaign is to use a negative keyword list. Before all of us delve into this topic, let’s have a quick refresher on a few of the basics of PPC:



Google Ads Fundamentals

With Google taking over search engine traffic, Google Ads is among the more powerful, cost-effective platforms available for applying and running PPC campaigns. Just how exactly does PPC work on Google Ads?


Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click model, by which users bid on keywords and buy each click on their advertisements. Whenever a search is initiated, Google digs into the pool of marketers and chooses a set of winners to show up in the valuable ad space upon its search results page. The “winners” are chosen based on a mixture of factors, including the quality and meaning of their keywords and advertisements, as well as the size of their keyword offers. – Wordstream


As with search engine optimization (SEO), the building blocks of paid search is keywords— search terms or phrases that make it simpler for potential leads or purchasers to find your content on search engine results webpages (SERP).


The right keywords within a PPC campaign can help you better focus on prospects exactly when and where they are almost certainly to convert. But what if specific keywords are triggering PPC advertisements that are attracting the wrong type of site visitors?


That’s exactly where negative keywords come in.



See the Opportunity in Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are key phrases that relate to your business, industry, plus content, but they trigger clicks through people who are not your targets and who may not even be interested in your own brand or content.


From an organic SEO standpoint, that isn’t big deal. But because Google Ad’s auction style favors bet size and relevance, you could finish up wasting your budget on traffic which is less likely to convert.


Thankfully, negative keywords provide an excellent opportunity to further your campaign’s targeting and effectiveness. Online Ads, you can prevent your ads being displayed to anyone who utilizes these keyword or phrases within their search. But how do you determine which usually keywords to include in your negative key phrase list?



Analyzing Search Data

Where to Look

A person doesn’t have to look far to locate search terms and phrases to boost your negative keyword lists, mainly because one of the best places to look is in Google Ads itself:

  • Search Terms Report: With this report, you can view real search terms people used in Google that will triggered your ads. You can choose the keywords that might not have drawn the correct traffic by viewing which usually terms have lower click-through plus conversion rates.
  • Google Keyword Planner : If you want to identify negative keywords prior to them costing you anything, there’s no better place to look compared to Google Keyword Planner. Right here you can review keyword suggestions associated with terms you want to target in your advertisement campaigns, but it’s a useful tool to identify unrelated conditions to exclude.


Pro Tip : Negative keyword lists are not the set-it-and-leave-it effort. Comb through lookup data frequently to make sure you’re also  staying on top of new search terms which could hurt your conversion rates.



What to Look for

Identifying negative keywords can be challenging because it requires analyzing and learning the searcher’s intent. You’ll almost have to dig a bit to determine if a searcher is looking for everything you offer or something else?


For example , someone searching for “cybersecurity jobs near me” is likely searching for employment opportunities in a specific location, while someone searching for “cybersecurity careers training” may be focused more on development opportunities. Both searches make use of the keywords “cyber security jobs” however the intent of each inquiry is different.


Understanding why the searcher is using a keyword and determining their intended end goal is vital in order to building an effective negative keyword checklist.


Pro Suggestion: Choose your bad keywords carefully. If you use too many damaging keywords, you may prevent qualified individuals and their search queries through seeing your ads.



Getting the Most From PPC

PPC and paid search provide businesses and marketers added visibility to attract target personas, but it can become an expensive endeavor if not fully optimized. Making use of negative keywords is not only an effective way to cut down on wasted ad spend, but it can also significantly improve your ads’ conversions.



About the writer

Chelsea Boice Chelsea is an Associate Consultant at SmartBug. She previously worked as a freelance Digital Marketer supporting B2B and B2C organizations with inbound, email, plus social marketing campaigns.


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Voice Search SEO: A Step-By-Step Guide To Optimize Your Website Mon, 19 Nov 2018 17:52:55 +0000 The post Voice Search SEO: A Step-By-Step Guide To Optimize Your Website appeared first on


In the wake of the changes that will unfold in 2019, Among the SEO trends that are predicted;
was the dominance of voice search—the growing tendency for users to rely on vocal commands
and personal digital assistants to handle their searches. 2018 has seen an incremental increase
in this trend. We’re on the verge of full-scale search revolution in the next few years.


This implies that if we want traffic and our customers intact, we need to start optimizing our
website for voice search as soon as possible through a dedicated SEO company.


It’s not that hard to make the transition. We just need an understanding of people, that how they
behave and what they are looking for. So what steps should you be taking now?


1. Understand the language: Add Conversational Text
There’s a huge difference in how people do voice searches versus how they construct text-
based search queries. When you’re typing something into a search engine, you’re most likely to
stringing keywords together and most sites are optimized for that type of search. Think
“Mediterranean cuisine, Albany.”


But when you’re talking to a human-sounding machine, like Alexa or Siri, you’re likely to address
it the way you would to a human being… in complete sentences. For example, you might enter
a query, “Where can I find the best ‘Spaghetti alle vongole’ near me?”


The main thing to note is that the language used in voice search is different from the language
used in a regular desktop search.


This means Mediterranean restaurants (and every other sort of exotic business out there) need
to optimize their content for this novelty by adding more long-tail keywords and include phrases
that answer specific questions.


According to a study, most voice searches have longer tails, which implies that you need to
focus on long-tail keywords that best give an impression of a conversational human speech.


2. Be conversational: Target Question Phrases
It’s not simply a case of seizing long tail keywords just for sake of their existence. You need to
target question phrases that contain longer tails instead. Piggybacking on the use of the
complete expression is the growing need for casual language. The person asking their virtual
assistant a question is likely to use a fairly chatty tone, and your website needs to respond in
the same way.


As, Google tells its raters to rate voice search results by how well the spoken response caters a
person’s query, and how it sounds. And honestly, you never want your content to sound like a machine created it! There are other elements involved in the rating, including grammar and length, but these are the two most important things to keep in mind while optimizing for voice search.


3. Aim for Featured Snippets: Optimize content for answering questions
Now that you’ve absorbed the need for conversational text and long tail keywords clearly, you
can aim for featured snippets.


So, what’s your common reason for using the internet — aside from killing free time looking up
memes and cat videos? But most of the time, you’re probably looking up information. As
mentioned above, the people who use voice search are most likely to say some form of a long-
tail keyword sentence.


You’ll need to collect a number of questions about your industry to capitalize on this growing
trend, then try your best to answer those queries across all your brands’ online presence. The
more voice-optimized content you have on online outlets, the more likely they are to get picked
up by search engines and fed through virtual assistants and devices.


4. Work on Titles and Descriptions: Optimize your content layout
When it comes to search results, what’s the best place to go if you’re optimizing for voice? Of
course, the Google Answer Box! And how to get there? By organizing your content so that
Google can effortlessly identify it and let it into said Answer Box.


Create paragraphs, key points or enumerated lists, FAQs or comparisons. According to a recent
Backlinko study; 40% of voice search results draw answers to the user query from the Answer
Box (featured snippet), you definitely want your site’s content there.


You can take your long tail keywords and add them to your main content, along with your title
tags, and page descriptions, to help you rank better and drive more high-quality traffic to your


We only had 60 characters to fill, as Google restricted us with title lengths in the past. Page
descriptions, meanwhile, had their lines shortened at 80. But now, Google has extended title
tags to 70 characters, while you can fit 100 characters into a line for your page description. This
signifies you need to optimize both! with those long-tail question phrases.


5. Focus on Local SEO: Technical SEO still matters!
All your great content is trash if your site is unnavigable by people and search engines alike. If
you’re doing good, technical search engine optimization (SEO), then you’re already a step
ahead of the game. Many voice assistants get their answers from the top search engine results,
and technical SEO is the key to optimize your content for those top-ranking spots.


There are numerous SEO strategies you can target, including an efficient user experience, a fantastic organizational hierarchy with appropriate HTML headings and structured schema
markup to let search engines cover all your content.


If you are reluctant to focus on local SEO, now is the high time to do it. 58% of us are already
using voice search to spot local businesses. Concentrate on adding keywords related to your
business, service, and location.


For example, I might use “Where can I find an affordable eye doctor in Upstate, New York” if I
was running an eyewear business in that area. It’s also a good idea to include “Near me” in your
keywords, but for this, you need to add your business to Google My Business first.


In the age of voice search, content, search, creative and technology teams will all have
significant jobs to do. Get ahead of this rising trend by having the right people in your
organization to start developing the optimized content and storytelling experiences that will fuel
your voice search scheme in the years to come. After all, the voice search revolution is anything
but challenging. It’s here and it’s effortless to adapt to. Get inside the heads of your potential
customers, understand the language they use and aim at question phrases with smart and
detailed answers.


Author Bio:
This guest post was written by Hassan Khan Yousafzai, he is passionate about Digital
marketing. Along with educational background in Software Engineering he is bridging gap
between marketing and development department. At Techvando , he has been consulting
brands all over Pakistan to gain online traffic and profitable leads.

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Google Analytics 101: The Best Tool Nobody’s Using Wed, 14 Nov 2018 21:13:21 +0000 The post Google Analytics 101: The Best Tool Nobody’s Using appeared first on


Chances are your dealership has already signed up with Google Analytics.  And why not?  It’s free!  But what exactly does it do?  Why do you need it?  How can you use it to make better decisions about your digital marketing?  Who at your dealership should be overseeing this?


By now you have realized that monitoring your web traffic is critical to maintaining and improving your site.  But without the insights provided by Google Analytics, you won’t see the whole picture.


Simply put, Google Analytics is your key to maximizing every marketing dollar you spend.  It gives you detailed information about the traffic your vendors are sending, so you can analyze each vendor’s performance and keep only those who are providing quality traffic.  Analytics can tell you who comes to your site, who sent them there, what they do while they’re there, how long they stay, where they live, what time they visited, and a host of other useful information that can help you more effectively target potential customers.


Typically a dealership’s Internet Director oversees implementation and reporting through Google Analytics.  If your dealership doesn’t have a dedicated internet executive, the GSM or GM should step into this role.  No matter who takes charge of your Analytics, it’s crucial that someone is monitoring the information if you want to utilize it to its full advantage and keep your dealership from wasting any of its precious digital marketing dollars.


There are some high performing vendors who will give their clients a free Analytics tutorial.  It’s worth asking.  In the meantime, here is a quick and easy tutorial on the basics of Google Analytics to get you started.  Once you master these, you can branch out and explore all the other options Analytics has to offer.



Sign onto your Analytics account at  Your dealership should already have a Gmail email address to access your Analytics.  Use that email and its password to sign in.

  1. Listed under your dealership’s name will be the various Views that have been set up on your account.  If you, or your outside marketing company, have set up a View containing Goals, that would be the best place to start.  If not, start with the View titled “All Website Data” or your web address.   Click on your desired View.
  2. Using the menu on the left, click on Acquisition > All Traffic > Source Medium.  This is your main information page, called your Reporting Page.  This is where you will spend most of your time in Analytics.
  3. On the top right of the page, choose the date range you are interested in viewing.  You can choose any date range you like, from one day to multiple years.  Click on the start and end dates, then click “apply.”
  4. The blue graph across the center of the page shows your overall web traffic for the time period chosen.  This is a quick and easy way to detect dramatic spikes or drop-offs in traffic that may need to be addressed.

Reading the columns left to right:


Your list of vendors by number of clicks sent to your website from greatest to least.  Google / Organic and Direct are almost always in positions #1 and #2.  Google / Organic refers to people who typed a search into Google and came to your site through a link they found.  Direct refers to people who typed your web address directly into their browser.  All other vendors will be listed by Name / Type of Medium they used to generate traffic, for example Bing / CPC or DealerLeads / Referral.



The actual number of clicks provided by each vendor for the time period chosen.  This metric only counts the click that brought the customer to your site, not every click they made while on your site.  Therefore, each click represents one unique visitor.  For this metric, the higher the number, the better.


% New Session

The percentage of clicks from that vendor who were brand new visitors to your site.  Google retains IP addresses for 30 days, so if a visitor comes back within those 30 days, they are counted as a return visitor.  You want to see a good mixture of new and return visitors, since it’s new people who “fill the pipeline” and returning visitors who do the actual buying.  This number should be in the 50%-75% range.


New Users

The actual number of new visitors out of the total clicks that were sent by that vendor.  It’s a numerical version of the percentage from the previous column.


Bounce Rate

A “bounce” is someone who came to your site and left immediately without engaging the site at all.  Therefore, the lower the bounce rate, the better.  Average bounce rates are between 35%-45%.


Pages / Session

The average number of pages per visitor, per session.  For this metric, the higher, the better.  The more pages a visitor views, the higher the chance that they will complete a lead form or contact the dealership in some way.  Ideally you’d want to see a minimum of 3 pages per session.


Avg. Session Duration

The average amount of time each visitor spends on your site.  Again, the higher, the better.  The longer they stay, the higher the chances you will be able to connect with the visitor via a lead form, Click to Call, or your Hours & Directions page so they can pay you a visit in person.  It’s best if a vendor can achieve at least the 2 minute mark with the traffic they send to you.


Goal Conversion Rate

This metric only applies if you have set up specific Goals in the View you are using.  If no Goals have been set up, this column will read zeroes.  If Goals have been set up, this will show the percentage of that vendor’s visitors who completed a Goal.  The higher the percentage, the more Goals the visitor completed, meaning the more engaged that vendor’s visitors were.  High Goal Conversion Rates are an indication of quality traffic.


Now that you have the basics, you may have a few questions.  Such as,


What’s a Goal?

Goals are what Analytics uses to track activity.  For example, if you set a Goal for New VDP Views, Analytics will capture the visitor data for everyone who views a new VDP and that data will show up on your Reporting Page.  You can decide what items are important for your dealership and set Goals to track them.


How do I set up a Goal?

Decide what you’d like to track.  As an example we will use View New VDP.

  1. On the bottom left of your Reporting page, there is an option called Admin.  Click on it.
  2. On the right hand side is a column of options.  Choose “Goals”.
  3. Click on the red button that says, “New Goal.”
  4. Choose Custom.  Click continue.
  5. Enter the name of your Goal.  For our example, we’ll call it New VDP Views.
  6. Choose Destination.  Click continue.
  7. Enter the piece of your website’s url into the box that pertains specifically to New VDPs.  To get this, go to your dealership website and click on a new VDP.  Look at the url for the page and pick out a unique identifier.  For our example, we will use “vehicle-details/new.”  Copy and paste this into the box.  To the left of the box is a drop down menu.  Choose Regular Expression.  Click Save.

You should now see your Goal listed.  By setting this Goal, you have instructed Google to count every time someone makes it to this url on your website and capture information about them.  You can continue entering Goals up the limit per View, which is 20.  If you want to track more than 20 Goals, you need to set up a second View.


This list of Goals will show you how many times this Goal has been completed in the last 7 days.  Analytics data only records going forward, never backward, so it is not advisable to change a Goal once it has been set.  You will not get accurate recording data.  For this reason, it’s helpful to think of Goals as “set in stone” when you make them, so take your time and decide what Goals you really want / need before creating them.


Now that you are armed with hard numbers, you can evaluate the performance of all your vendors and decide who is delivering on their promises and who is falling short.  Check in on performance at least once a week and you will be able to ensure that only those vendors who are sending you high quality, high converting traffic will get your precious digital marking dollars.


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Evaluate Your Vendors Using Google Analytics Wed, 14 Nov 2018 21:04:13 +0000 The post Evaluate Your Vendors Using Google Analytics appeared first on


It’s the end of the second quarter, do you know where your digital marketing dollars went?  If you’ve been utilizing your best source of free information about your web traffic, Google Analytics, you bet your boots you do.


Tracking performance metrics in Google Analytics is the quickest, simplest way to hold your vendors accountable.  But how can you tell who’s bringing the goods and who’s blowing smoke?  Your Analytics automatically has all the information you need.


All aboard the vendor evaluation express train!

Open your Analytics and choose a View that contains Goals that are important to you.  Navigate to your primary reporting page by clicking Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium.  A table will appear filled with numbers.  Don’t be intimidated!  You’re the conductor of this express train, and you are about to take your most lucrative route.


Before you start your train moving, check the date range on the upper right of the screen.  The last 30 days is a reasonable time frame for evaluating vendor performance.  Remember to click “apply” after choosing your date range.  You also want to make sure you’re viewing all the of Goals in the View you’ve chosen.  Just above the third column from the right is a drop-down menu called “Conversions.”  This lists all the Goals contained in that View.  Choose “All Goals.”


The first column on the table will be a list of your crew, aka the sources of traffic to your website.  You’ll almost certainly see “Google/Organic” and “Direct,” as well as the vendors you’ve hired to drive traffic to your site.  You might see sources such as “Email,” “PPC,” or “Display.”  These sources will be listed in order by the number of clicks each sent to your website for the time period chosen.


The column labeled, “Sessions,” lets you know how many clicks came to your site from that source.  This is your first stop on the vendor evaluation train.  How did your vendors do?  Did they promise a certain amount of traffic?  Did they live up to that promise?  Are you paying by click?  Did they meet your budget?  Exceed it?  If they fell short of their promise, did they still charge you full price, or did you get a break on your invoice for the low performance?


Take that train to the next stop and check out each of your vendors’ “Bounce Rates.”  A “bounce” is counted when a visitor makes it to your website, but then immediately leaves without engaging the site at all, so the lower the bounce rate, the better.  How did your vendors do?  Did 90% of their traffic bounce out?  If so, you paid for a lot of worthless clicks.  The internet is full of, ahem, interesting folks, who do strange and unusual things, but if your vendors are targeting the right people, they should be able to keep their Bounce Rate below 40%.  If your vendor offers a Bounce Rate guarantee (there’s only one vendor I’m aware of who offers this), how did they measure up to their promise?


Your express train’s final stop will be the next to last column, “Conversion Rate.”  This measures the rate at which the clicks turned into completed Goals, whether you’re hoping to measure behavioral engagement like looking at SRPs, VDPs and watching videos, or hard lead conversions through the use of forms, chat, text or click to call.  Again, how did your vendors do?  If they sent a lot of traffic, but no one did anything worthwhile while they were on your site, it’s likely that vendor isn’t going after the right shoppers.


Once you have enough experience as a conductor, you can take the longer, more scenic route through Analytics to help you determine if traffic is working, but total clicks, bounce rate and conversion rate are far and away the three most popular stops.  Your vendors should jump at the chance to take a trip on the vendor evaluation train with you.


Any back end report can show that a vendor is the greatest thing since trains went electric.  But Google is an impartial third party who is beholden to no one, and being able to measure each vendor’s performance using the same set of metrics gives you an apples to apples comparison on quality that you won’t get from any vendor dashboard.


If your final destination is more car sales, the data provided by Google Analytics can take your there.


All aboard!

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Use Analytics to Sell More Cars Wed, 14 Nov 2018 20:40:57 +0000 The post Use Analytics to Sell More Cars appeared first on


You want to sell more cars.  You’re confident you’ve covered all the bases – radio, TV, print, digital, and a well-stocked lot that dazzles like a bicentennial celebration.  But you’re not selling more cars.  Where are you going wrong?  Who holds the elusive last piece to your selling puzzle?  The short answer?  Google.


Google automatically records a huge variety of data on every click that makes it to your website.  But which data is helpful in targeting potential buyers, and where can you find it?


CITIES – Let’s say you want to send out some promotional mailers.  Knowing how to find the data that will tell you exactly where your engaged and high-converting traffic is coming from will give you the ability to microtarget your advertising efforts like never before.


The most representative source of traffic to your website is Google Organic.  Navigate to your main reporting page in your Analytics. (Acquisition > All Traffic > Source Medium) Ideally you should use a View that is already set up with some Goals that matter to you.  Lead form submission Goals are an especially valuable metric.  If you’re not sure how to set up Goals, reach out to your high performing vendors.  Many offer free Goal setup.  Single out Google’s traffic by clicking on their name.  Just above the first column is a drop-down menu called, “Secondary Dimension.”


Secondary Dimension is your new best friend!


Suppose you want your mailer to cover towns A, B, C, and D which encircle your dealership.  Before you spend that money, take a peek into your Analytics.  You may find that cities B and C are your highest converters, whereas A and D are not even a blip on your radar screen.  Using this data, you can save 50% on the cost of those mailers by only sending them to the cities that have shoppers who are more likely to engage your site and fill out a lead form.  Another option would be to spend the whole amount and double up on coverage in the high-converting cities.


To find this data, click on Secondary Dimension and in the search box type “City.”  When you see “City” as an option, click on it.  Your Google Organic traffic is now displayed using the areas from where the clicks originated, in descending order by volume.  You can rate the quality of the traffic using whatever metrics or KPIs are most important to you – time on site, pages per session, bounce rate, conversion rate, etc.


Utilizing this data will keep you from spending your precious marketing dollars in areas that aren’t interested in what you have to offer.  You may even discover a high-converting city that you had never considered marketing to before.  Bonus!


MOBILE – Let’s say you want to run a contest and are not sure what to offer as a prize.  Continuing with your Google Organic traffic, use your new best friend Secondary Dimension, and choose “Mobile device branding.”  This gives you insight into the brands of mobile devices visitors are using.  If you know that most of your visitors come to your website using Apple products, you wouldn’t run a contest to win a new Samsung tablet.


You can also check on how much of your traffic is utilizing a mobile device to visit your site.  Use the Secondary Dimension “Mobile (including tablet).”  Your sessions are now split out between visitor who came in on mobile, and visitors who came in on desktop.  Most dealerships have approximately 50% – 75% (sometimes more) of their traffic coming from mobile devices.


This information is especially helpful for website design, i.e. making sure that your website is mobile responsive.  You wouldn’t want to miss out on bringing your message to all those mobile shoppers!


DATES – Let’s say you need to decide when to run some online ads.  Secondary Dimension can show you how your traffic behaves during various times of the month, week, or day, so that you can get maximum visibility on your ad.


Tell your new best friend Secondary Dimension that you want to know what time of day most visitors come to your site by choosing “Hour of day.”  Data is presented in the following format:  year month day hour (24 -hour military clock), so an entry of “2018060513” means June 5, 2018 at 1:00pm.


A Secondary Dimension of “Day of the month” will show you which days are the most heavily traveled.  This data set is very straightforward, with numbers exactly representing the days of a month.


Lastly, a Secondary Dimension of “Day of week” can be useful as well.  A “0” indicates Sunday, “1” is Monday, and so on.


With this data, you might discover that you get most of your traffic on weekends in mid-month between 8:00am and 12:00pm.  You can now get the most out of your advertising dollars by concentrating your ads when you know they are most likely to be seen, and pulling back during times when traffic is not as heavy.


As Einstein once said, “Know where to find the information and know how to use it – that’s the secret of success.”  With your trusty new best friend Secondary Dimension at your side, you are now armed with a multitude of ways to ensure that you are spending your limited financial resources effectively.  Use these tools to go after the customers who are most likely to seal the deal and drive off in one of your shiny new bonuses, I mean, beauties.

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11 Ways to Increase Organic Website Traffic Wed, 10 Oct 2018 19:42:29 +0000 Search engine optimization (SEO) is an outstanding tool for improving your position on a search engine like Google, and ultimately, for marketing. The digital space is incredibly competitive, and you need to be savvy to compete. There are a few ways you can increase your website’s traffic organically, so you...

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is an outstanding tool for improving your position on a search engine like Google, and ultimately, for marketing. The digital space is incredibly competitive, and you need to be savvy to compete. There are a few ways you can increase your website’s traffic organically, so you don’t have to overspend for digital dominance. The following article will provide you with that information and allow you to create amazing campaigns and be a top priority on search engines.

1. Use Social Media to Increase Your Traffic – Use social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and the like to promote your website and business and raise your company’s profile. These networks allow you to communicate with consumers, create campaigns that can be broadcast over various platforms and can give you content that consumers can further promote by liking or sharing. Social media is a massive platform and just the kind of megaphone your business could use to help push more traffic to your site.

2. Tag People On Social Media – If you’re going to be involved in social media tagging people is a great way to increase your businesses profile. Tagging helps expand the reach of a post, alert people to a deal or campaign, and alerts customers to your post immediately. A tag is hard for someone to ignore and along with a general savvy of social networks is an easy, cheap, and effective way to expand your profile.

3. Adapt As Many Quality SEO Practices As You Can  – Search engine optimization (SEO) is the best way to be a priority search on Google and top of mind for customers. There are ways to optimize your SEO practices and ensure that you are making the most out of it. Focusing on keywords in your titles, meta titles, descriptions, and the like is an excellent way to utilize this tool. Ensuring your website is indexable and optimized for Google bots is another key to succe4. Fill In the Gaps – Outdoing the competition is of massive importance to most businesses including yours. The best way to do that is to see what is missing on the competition’s websites and see how you can exploit those gaps. If a competitor is missing information about a model or warranty information regarding a particular make, you have an opening to include that info in your campaign and on your website. That will give you an edge business-wise and show the public you are on the ball when it comes to selling cars.

5. Insert Internal Links and Encourage External Links – Providing internal links to your content is a straightforward way to boost traffic organically. Anchor text is valuable in internal link building and SEO. Look also to embed a small widget like a social media sharing link or button. That can help increase backlinks, and backlinks improve both SEO and organic traffic.

6. Identify and Eliminate Bad Links – Backlinks are crucial for a higher search engine ranking bad backlinks, however, are a considerable threat. Check your website frequently so that you can find and get rid of bad links. Software like Monitor Backlinks SEO Tool can be used to analyze, remove, and rid yourself of bad backlinks. You will have to tag the bad links, send a request to your webmaster(s), receive the removed alerts, and submit a report to Google Disavow Tool for non-removable links. Once that is all completed you will be clear of bad links and eliminate a significant issue for further website traffic growth.

7. Transparency Is Huge – Car dealerships rely on goodwill and building and maintaining relationships with customers. Transparency has always mattered, but it is incredibly important in today’s day and age of information at your fingertips. One slip up with that transparency or even appearing to be less than frank with your campaign is a great way to alienate and scare off customers. Be truthful and make sure your campaigns have clarity in both message and execution.

8. Always Be Easy to Reach – Being approachable and accessible to your customer base is a big thing. Customer support is crucial, and your website should make it easy for the consumer to reach out if they need anything. Failing to do so could give your company and website a bad reputation, one that will be hard to shake. It never hurt to be there for customers when they need you, lots of companies fail to do that your business does not have to.

9. Embrace Long-Tail Keywords – Widely used keywords known as head terms, are great overall because they describe what your business is and are guaranteed to get clicks. The problem is that they are widely used, and because of that you will not be as likely to be high up on a Google search. However, long-tail keywords which are more specific and niche are a great way to get clicks and visits; for example, if you sell cars then having “new and used cars” as your search keyword is going to run up against a lot of competition. However, if you sell a large quantity and variety of used Chevrolet trucks use that as your keyword. Having a search term that reflects that such as “highest volume of used Chevy trucks” is a much better way to generate clicks and website traffic.

10. Take Advantage of the Metrics – Google Analytics is a great tool to measure the success of your marketing and website. Use the tools you have. It is essential to rely on your gut and instinct, but that can only get you so far, do not underestimate or under-utilize the metrics. Those numbers will give you a lot of information that you will need to be able to expand your website and yield excellent results.

11. Keep Up With the Latest Trends – People catch on to new trends quicker than ever, and trends die out nowadays faster than ever. That means you need to be quick to those trends as well. You may be selling cars, but you are also selling to a culture that demands you to be more than just a business. Make sure you at least know what is going on in Internet culture so that you can not only be in the know but so that you can exploit and use those touchstones for your gain.

Increasing website traffic organically seems like a tough task, but it is not and should not be. These eleven tips will help you accomplish that goal as efficiently and manage-ably as possible.              

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How to Grow Your Brand Organically Wed, 10 Oct 2018 18:50:42 +0000 Nothing can be a stronger way to market to customers online than a grassroots marketing campaign. Regardless of what your business is, grassroots campaigns can come out of nowhere, go viral, and bring awareness to your brand that might have been impossible to generate otherwise, or at the very least...

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Nothing can be a stronger way to market to customers online than a grassroots marketing campaign. Regardless of what your business is, grassroots campaigns can come out of nowhere, go viral, and bring awareness to your brand that might have been impossible to generate otherwise, or at the very least at the same level. There are many ways to go about growing your dealership’s brand via grassroots marketing. It is also one of the most organic methods in which you can develop a brand. That said, it does require content that is captivating and original.

Unique and captivating content is one of the most critical aspects of grassroots marketing campaigns. These pieces of material can be funny, controversial, generate emotion, and more. Targeting emotion is an incredibly useful way to market. Humans are emotional beings, and we all respond to emotions if a campaign makes a customer feel a certain way it can be unbelievably powerful and hard to forget. Think of any advertisement, piece of art, or entertainment that spoke to you emotionally and how hard it was for you to forget about it. Cars can be hard to get overly sentimental about, but you can create that passion by creating campaigns around charities or the kinds of people who shop at your dealership and how you help your local community.

Be aware of trends, and be sure to talk to your young marketing staff about what is trending online. Lots of companies create smart Instagram accounts, funny Facebook pages, and generate amazing tweets on their company Twitter accounts. Fast food chain Wendy’s released a mixtape and posted tweets that insulted rival chains, and it became so popular people went online and talked about rival chains like Burger King and McDonald’s so they could receive a funny response. This kind of brand awareness is invaluable, and the controlled (none of the tweets were verbally or sexually explicit) yet non-corporate approach made the company seem down to earth and fun. These kinds of strategies are gold in a polarized and distracted multimedia landscape. It’s an example of the originality grassroots marketing offers and how useful it can be.

Along those same lines of creativity, starting a movement with a charitable cause or a stunt that brings attention to your dealership is another smart way to grow your brand organically. Red Bull does this well with videos of extreme sports and stunts like cliff diving to bring awareness to their products without having to go the traditional, often expensive, route for marketing. Starting a movement like the MeToo movement or Ice Bucket Challenge can bring brand recognition while also supporting a good cause. Most consumers would be even more willing to shop for a car at a dealership that has a smart way to bring awareness and raise money for a cause like cancer research or poverty alleviation in the local community. Sometimes even doing a free event or giveaway can engender support and sales.

Car dealerships often have promotional sales during holiday weekends where they will withhold an initial down payment or delay it, eat the additional money on a trim upgrade, and many other enticements to sell vehicles. In addition to that, it would behoove a smart dealership to host a free event at a local school, give away a free car to a local hero or heroine, or give money to a local charity. Why? These kinds of seemingly no-strings-attached gestures of kindness have a dual benefit. They are free promotion for your store, and the community will have a sense of appreciation and admiration for your business which has all kinds of benefits down the line. The key to grassroots marketing is that with enough originality and some fascinating content or marketing you can promote your dealership, generate buzz, and bring awareness to the brand you might not otherwise have. It is also relatively inexpensive and in today’s distracted world a great way to grab attention.

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