Advertising & Marketing – Automotive News You Can Use Wed, 10 Oct 2018 18:50:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advertising & Marketing – 32 32 158686725 How to Grow Your Brand Organically Wed, 10 Oct 2018 18:50:42 +0000 Nothing can be a stronger way to market to customers online than a grassroots marketing campaign. Regardless of what your business is, grassroots campaigns can come out of nowhere, go viral, and bring awareness to your brand that might have been impossible to generate otherwise, or at the very least...

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Nothing can be a stronger way to market to customers online than a grassroots marketing campaign. Regardless of what your business is, grassroots campaigns can come out of nowhere, go viral, and bring awareness to your brand that might have been impossible to generate otherwise, or at the very least at the same level. There are many ways to go about growing your dealership’s brand via grassroots marketing. It is also one of the most organic methods in which you can develop a brand. That said, it does require content that is captivating and original.

Unique and captivating content is one of the most critical aspects of grassroots marketing campaigns. These pieces of material can be funny, controversial, generate emotion, and more. Targeting emotion is an incredibly useful way to market. Humans are emotional beings, and we all respond to emotions if a campaign makes a customer feel a certain way it can be unbelievably powerful and hard to forget. Think of any advertisement, piece of art, or entertainment that spoke to you emotionally and how hard it was for you to forget about it. Cars can be hard to get overly sentimental about, but you can create that passion by creating campaigns around charities or the kinds of people who shop at your dealership and how you help your local community.

Be aware of trends, and be sure to talk to your young marketing staff about what is trending online. Lots of companies create smart Instagram accounts, funny Facebook pages, and generate amazing tweets on their company Twitter accounts. Fast food chain Wendy’s released a mixtape and posted tweets that insulted rival chains, and it became so popular people went online and talked about rival chains like Burger King and McDonald’s so they could receive a funny response. This kind of brand awareness is invaluable, and the controlled (none of the tweets were verbally or sexually explicit) yet non-corporate approach made the company seem down to earth and fun. These kinds of strategies are gold in a polarized and distracted multimedia landscape. It’s an example of the originality grassroots marketing offers and how useful it can be.

Along those same lines of creativity, starting a movement with a charitable cause or a stunt that brings attention to your dealership is another smart way to grow your brand organically. Red Bull does this well with videos of extreme sports and stunts like cliff diving to bring awareness to their products without having to go the traditional, often expensive, route for marketing. Starting a movement like the MeToo movement or Ice Bucket Challenge can bring brand recognition while also supporting a good cause. Most consumers would be even more willing to shop for a car at a dealership that has a smart way to bring awareness and raise money for a cause like cancer research or poverty alleviation in the local community. Sometimes even doing a free event or giveaway can engender support and sales.

Car dealerships often have promotional sales during holiday weekends where they will withhold an initial down payment or delay it, eat the additional money on a trim upgrade, and many other enticements to sell vehicles. In addition to that, it would behoove a smart dealership to host a free event at a local school, give away a free car to a local hero or heroine, or give money to a local charity. Why? These kinds of seemingly no-strings-attached gestures of kindness have a dual benefit. They are free promotion for your store, and the community will have a sense of appreciation and admiration for your business which has all kinds of benefits down the line. The key to grassroots marketing is that with enough originality and some fascinating content or marketing you can promote your dealership, generate buzz, and bring awareness to the brand you might not otherwise have. It is also relatively inexpensive and in today’s distracted world a great way to grab attention.

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Analytics: What Vendors Don’t Show You Thu, 06 Sep 2018 21:27:34 +0000 The post Analytics: What Vendors Don’t Show You appeared first on


When was the last time one of your digital vendors offered to go through their traffic’s performance in your Google Analytics?  Never, you say?  

There’s a reason that almost every digital vendor has created their own backend reporting tool.  They want to be able to control which data you see.  Don’t fall for it.  You already have all the data you need to make smart, effective decisions about how and where to spend your digital marketing dollars.


Your first order of business should be setting up a View in your Analytics that contains website Goals that are important to you.  Best practices dictate one View that covers only lead conversion actions, such as Contact forms, Click to Call, or Finance forms, and another that covers behavioral interactions, like looking at Hours & Directions, VDP views, and SRP views.  This will enable you to judge the performances of all your vendors using a consistent set of metrics.


Once you have all your Goals set up and you have at least one month’s worth of data, you’re ready to start evaluating performance.  Navigate to your main reporting page by clicking Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium.  In the upper right hand corner, choose the date range you’d like to see and click “apply.” Your traffic sources (organic plus vendors) will be listed along the left hand side of the table in descending order based on how many clicks they sent for that time period.  


There are multiple metrics that are automatically included on your reporting page, such as Bounce Rate, Time on Site, Pages per Session, and Conversion Rate.  These metrics will help you determine the quality of the traffic that your vendor is sending to your site.


The Bounce Rate measures traffic that came to your website but then immediately left without engaging your site at all, so for this metric, the lower, the better.  If you’ve got a vendor whose traffic is bouncing above 50%, it’s time to have a talk with them about better targeting.  If you’ve got a vendor whose traffic is bouncing at 25% or below, youmight have a keeper, depending on how the rest of their metrics stack up.


Time on Site and Page per Session are pretty self-explanatory.  Website engagement sells cars, so the longer you can keep a visitor on your site, the higher the chances they’ll convert to a lead.  


Possibly the most important quality metric of all is Conversion Rate.  This measures how often traffic on your website completed at least one of the Goals in the View you’re in.  If you’re in a View containing lead form Goals, you’ll have to ability to calculate a rough ROI.


First generation leads historically have a closing ratio of between 20% – 40%, so their quality far outshines that of third generation leads, which typically result in a sale at a rate between 5% – 7%.  So how can you use this data to get a program’s ROI?


For example, if a program costs $1000/month and your Analytics show that 10 lead forms can be attributed to this source for the month, based on average closing ratios for first generation leads, you can make a conservative estimate that at least 2 cars (20% of 10 leads) were sold as a result of that vendor’s traffic.  Assuming a front end gross of about $2000 per sold vehicle, you are looking at $4000 profit.  Subtracting the $1000 you had to spend on the program, you’re left with a total of $3000 profit, or a 3X ROI.


Being the captain of your own Analytics ship might take a little getting used to, but the bounty that awaits you in saved expenditures on junk programs, and increased profitsfrom great programs, will really put the wind in your “sales.”

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Video is the Way of the World! Wed, 08 Aug 2018 21:27:06 +0000 Paul J. Daly discusses the evolution of Rim Doc and Image Auto!

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Paul J. Daly discusses the evolution of Rim Doc and Image Auto!

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Twitter vs Instagram; Which Social Media Platform is Better for Dealerships Wed, 08 Aug 2018 18:09:41 +0000 The post Twitter vs Instagram; Which Social Media Platform is Better for Dealerships appeared first on


Some of you are wondering why I left out Facebook. So am I. Realistically though, up until its recent debacle, Facebook has easily been the best social media in which to sell products, and still is at certain price ranges. The issue with Facebook is CPA when it comes to higher priced items with smaller profit margins. If your COGs are under $5 with a selling price of $79 and laden with upsells, you just may sell a bunch of units. Not so with cars. Nevertheless, FB owns Instagram so let’s just overview the two lesser platforms and how they fit into the mix.



Until 2015, Twitter had been adding approximately 12-15 million accounts per year at a 6% growth in ad revenue (over a half billion each year). It’s growth has reached stasis and has slowed considerably to 3 million per year. 54% of its users are between 18-49 years old, which matches the age demographic of those most-likely to buy a used vehicle. Currently, there are 300 million Twitter users BUT, 79% of Twitter users are outside of the US. There are 67 million Twitter users in the USA.


My rub on Twitter is that although it started out mostly as a way to express a quick opinion, thought, or influencer endorsement, it wasn’t visual enough to be engaging. With the addition of a picture or video to a tweet, engagement increases 150%. The biggest holdback to Twitter was the 140 character limit which is now at 280. It allows you to hashtag more effectively and get more exposure syndication faster (to grow your following) which has long been Instagrams magic bullet. The 280 character limit still limits the platform and because of that, I consider it a supplementary social media platform. It’s # 3 on my social media list as it is likely yours.


Twitter, the Modern Day Teleptype

Do you have a flash sale? Did the new Camaros come in? Did you just have a dealership anniversary, or have an exciting new promotion to announce? If so, Tweet it out! Those event oriented announcements work well on Twitter. Brands, individuals, and media do well on Twitter when they have breaking news to report. Twitter is more like a modern day teletype that everyone has discriminatory access to. You don’t have to listen to the vapidness of a Kardashian tweet if you don’t want to, but if you’re a car “guy”, you can enjoy exclusive tweets from because you have chosen to follow them! Good Twitter engagement rates vary from .09 to .33%. In plain english, that’s 3-10 engagements per 1,000 followers on Twitter. When I get 5+ likes and a few retweets, I feel pretty good about Twitter and its low bar of engagement.


Instagram Leads All Social Media in Engagement

Instagram is by far the best platform for engagement. Its frequented mostly by 18-29 year olds who make up the largest demographic, followed by Generation X that consists of 34-54 year olds. It’s noteworthy that most first-time car buyers are actually Gen Xers, not Millennials. 800 million worldwide users attest to it’s addictive gravity. An engagement rate between 3.48% and 6.67% is considered to be high, where an influencer would expect 34.8 – 66.7 reactions for every 1000 followers on Instagram. Additionally, an engagement rate between 6.67% and 100% is considered to be very high, with expected reactions to be between 66.7 – 100 for every 1000 Instagram followers.


With the addition of Instagram stories in 2016, another 100 million folks added an account. Instagram saw 28% growth in 2017 which basically mirrored the loss of 2.8 million under 25 yr. old Facebook users who dumped the platform because their parents “ruined it”. Instagram is a highly visual medium which makes it perfect for car dealers. Most dealers use it to post pictures of happy car buyers and inventory. In fact, 91% of all Instagram posts have a photo attached. The speed in which an Instagram post gets a reaction (engagement) is quicker than with Twitter or Facebook, and as mentioned, has a higher engagement rate than either. Here’s why.


You Like My Post, I’ll LIke Your Post

Everyone is so darn insecure. The unspoken rule of Instagram is that if I follow you, you should feel inclined to follow me and like my posts. It becomes a popularity contest with each post as users frequently check back to see how many likes or comments each of their posts generates. If a dealership has garnered a bunch of followers, they’re hoping that they’ll get more than 10 likes per “car buyer pic post”. A decent engagement gives the dealer the perception that they’re doing something right and reduces a buyers potential cognitive dissonance. Of course, if the purpose of the post is to congratulate the salesman for being a “sales machine”, it can have the opposite effect.


What I Do?

I use Twitter and Instagram to grow my brand visibility. I have 122,000 legit backlinks in just 7 months of incarnation so I know a thing or two about this subject (and others), although I have far more to learn. In fact, if you’re reading this article, feel free to contact me and let’s see how we can collaborate! But I digress, Twitter is the more limited platform to be sure, but I suggest every serious dealer have a regular presence on it for the aforementioned reasons. Instagram is more fun, more visual, more engaging and easier to grow. It has few limits other than length of videos.


Are either social platforms going to sell cars? Incrementally speaking, “eh”. Neither Twitter nor Instagram are going to blow inventory out by themselves. Creating a post a day for either platform is just fine as long as they aren’t all ads. Make the posts compelling or humorous or both. If advertising an event, double down on creativity and cover all the angles. When all is said and done, it’s the preponderance of visibility and good reviews that’s going to increase any dealerships sales. Should you have a Twitter or Instagram? I hope this article helped as you sit there scratching your head.


“Automotive News Car Dealerships Can Really Use”


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Driving Traffic to Your Dealership with Google Search Engine Fri, 03 Aug 2018 11:28:57 +0000 No one can deny the Google Search Engine and those who manipulate it the best.   While digital marketing experts try to predict which channels and platforms are going to best serve the auto industry, no one can deny it will still be on the back of the Google Search...

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No one can deny the Google Search Engine and those who manipulate it the best.


While digital marketing experts try to predict which channels and platforms are going to best serve the auto industry, no one can deny it will still be on the back of the Google Search Engine and dominated by those who manipulate it the best. Social media is great for branding but it’s yet to prove itself as a bold sales platform for auto dealers.


Many are even paying good coin for display advertising thinking it’s well-filtered from bot fraud when in truth, the battle for clean, convertible web traffic via display is still waging. How would a dealer even know if the display traffic was scrubbed unless the entity selling it to them told them it was? While local search is still predominant in driving traffic to the dealerships, it’s where that search takes the car shopper that really matters.


A clean, search engine optimized (SEO), easy to navigate site that displays the inventory in an effective way is crucial. Gathering lead data and responding to it quickly is essential to moving that prospect through the sales funnel and getting conversions effectively. Many dealers have such a system and many do not. Even the dealers who are buttoned up aesthetically have a hard time interpreting what the traffic is telling them. They have no idea how to read the backend analytics and rely on pretty, favorably edited reports generated by third party lead and SEO vendors to educate them. Following where the traffic goes on a website is incredibly important. Tracking the behavior of those who visit your site and adjusting the site architecture and content to optimize their experience will lead to better sales. It’s all in the tracking, even before the prospects arrive on your website(s).


What if you used Google search tracking data to create a domain network that could drive thousands of active car buyers to your site? Quite frankly, it would cost you tens of thousands if not millions of dollars to develop. Just imagine having inventory listed on 350 behaviorally targeted, classified listing sites based on the most common search terms Google has tracked to date in the automotive industry?


It Gets Better, Just Read On

Instead of paying expensive subscription fees to large listing sites for leads or conversion-less impression counts, you are actually getting high quality, high-quantity, bot-free, bottom of the sales funnel car shoppers clicking to your site. Case in point; is a commonly used search term, in fact, it’s one of the most used search terms used by car shoppers today. Now, imagine being listed on another 349 similar sites that drive huge volumes of traffic such as, or There are thousands more to choose from and all of these domains are spoken for by one company!


The key to the kingdom is in low cost, high-quality volume traffic. The aforementioned approach is actually in play. To date, only a few hundred dealers are onboard this particular network that is averaging 5-star reviews and is rapidly becoming the #1 “lead gen” provider for those lucky enough to be early adapters to the platform.



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What is DealerLeads? Fri, 03 Aug 2018 11:27:34 +0000 The post What is DealerLeads? appeared first on


What sets DealerLeads apart from all other vendors in automotive marketing is a massive 350 site-strong syndication network of behaviorally targeted classified sites that drive large volumes of traffic and leads directly to a client’s websites OR rings their phones. There is no sharing of leads, all leads are 1st generation and in the form of organic traffic routed to the dealer’s very own VDPs. It’s truly a revolutionary approach based on Google Best Practices, search engine queries and then applying that data to build the perfect network of classified listing sites such as and hundreds more. The reason this model can’t be reproduced easily is because the company actually owns over 3,000 such search-term based domains. No one else does. The traffic is organic, contains great 1st generation leads and is driven to each individual dealer whose inventory is perused and hopefully, clicked.


Is it Affordable?

It’s an affordable solution that works far better and more cost-effectively than any lead gen system we know of. Who wouldn’t want their inventory on as many highly trafficked sites as possible with the sole purpose of selling cars at a much faster clip? Listing sites can tend to get pricey and the transparency can be not so clear. We’ve found that a majority of used car dealers aren’t exactly sure what their ROI is with the bigger more expensive listing sites that will go unmentioned in this blog.


Keeping up With Buyers Shopping Habits

Generally speaking, DealerLeads is a great way for dealers to increase online traffic, generate more leads, improve conversion ratios, and increase sales through proper and effective dealership SEO and SEM. Search engine optimization is the key to sustaining a successful business in today’s online world. The bulk of dealership shopping today is done online, as this is where the majority of prospective buyers begin searching for their next vehicle. With the majority of consumers relying on the Internet for pertinent car buying information no dealer can afford to be without a well-developed and well-executed SEO and supporting PPC plan. The better your dealership’s website layout, social media presence, keyword lists, content, and online reputation the more online traffic you will receive, the greater your conversion opportunities will be, and the more sales you will ultimately make.


Kelly Kleinman

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Used Car Dealers Slugging It Out on the Web Fri, 03 Aug 2018 11:26:21 +0000 Ignorance of Digital ABC’s and Susceptibility to Cheap Options Hurts Dealers   The used car business is just as competitive as it’s ever been. Nowadays, dealers have to square up with each other on the Internet as well as they do on the boulevard, and it ain’t very pretty watching...

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Ignorance of Digital ABC’s and Susceptibility to Cheap Options Hurts Dealers


The used car business is just as competitive as it’s ever been. Nowadays, dealers have to square up with each other on the Internet as well as they do on the boulevard, and it ain’t very pretty watching the punches fly as they kick and scream into the modern world.


“Currently, most savvy companies have progressed beyond the “segmented web” strategy, leading to a simple, responsive web design that smoothly adjusts its layout to any device.”


It’s not necessary for a used car dealer to be an expert on Internet marketing, but to be successful, they have to be aware of a few key elements including; the quality and appearance of their website inside and out (SEO and a responsive design for mobile devices), social media manners, and the visibility of inventory across the Internet on other classified listing sites as a new marketing modality. The more eyeballs you can attract to your inventory, the better the chance of making a sale. We’ll discuss reputation management in a later blog.
“Currently, most savvy companies have progressed beyond the “segmented web” strategy, leading to a simple, responsive web design that smoothly adjusts its layout to any device.”


Auto Sales Forecasts 2017

Cookie cutter templates are cheap web design solutions whereby the brand and design is sacrificed when the mobile site is reduced to a listing format that does not comply with Google Best Practices and page rank suffers. Sadly, you become less visible in search. Most of these sites can click or “go to” the full site which looks microscopic on a cell phone. Some web designers still deploy an “m-dot” site that looks nothing like the desktop version of the main website (see picture above). Its disadvantages are significant with a separate code base (development and maintenance costs), dual websites to manage (content synchronization issues), and associated SEO issues including sacrifice of the sites domain authority. Currently, most savvy companies have progressed beyond the “segmented web” strategy, leading to a simple, responsive web design that smoothly adjusts its layout to any device.


Auto Sales Forecasts 2017

The site looks the same across all devices keeping branding and design consistent in compliance with Google “Best Practices” to allow for optimized visibility in Google search with the potential for high page rank in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)


There are literally hundreds of car dealers on these kinds of cheap platforms and at under a hundred dollars a month, they’ve been sold a used Yugo. 75% of shoppers would prefer completing the buying process online but dealers feel the need to drag them into the store to hammer away. This disconnect from marketing intel is what drives dealers to buy cookie cutter sites as a necessary evil instead of a tool to represent their business in a much better light in order to make much better money.


SUGGESTION: Build an SEO optimized, truly mobile responsive website that looks nice, you’ll get a lot more mileage out of it.


What they haven’t figured out is that posting an ad narrative across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or variation of an ad for every post isn’t at all effective, yet you see it everywhere. Here are some ridiculous examples (names have been changed to protect the innocent):

Hey guys, it’s #Tuesday, time to come on down and see our #newinventory of used #cars!


It’s #humpday, so all of us here at #cars world are giving away free #t-shirts for the first 10 customers. Habla espanol @Hector’sCarsworld Don’t let the #election upset you, #getaway in a new-used #car today! @Frank’scarsfortots and #feelgood. Like us on FB:-)


The rule of thumb on social media is pretty simple; “Be social on social media”. The prevailing misperception is that you always need to be selling when you’re a B2C operation but that’s just not true. Posting interesting information, tips on easy engine maintenance, and car care practices takes the edge off of people’s negative perceptions of the local used car dealer always trying to sell and brands you in a brighter light.


SUGGESTION: Social media has yet to rise as a capable classified listing platform. Eventually Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter will enter the game but for now social media is a world where car salesmen and Internet sales managers are better off supplying shoppers exactly what they’re asking for…information and pricing, not a hustle to come on down and get…hustled.


Kelly Kleinman

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